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Your Ideal Body Has More Muscle Than You Think

Hello my friend! 👋🏼

I hope you've had a great weekend and you're using your Sunday to prep yourself for a strong week ahead!

Something that's been on my mind lately is how many people don't actually understand that more muscle is a good thing. I know what you might be thinking...

"but Sav, I don't want to look bulky."

I've heard this time and time again from clients, friends, and even family members.

Listen, your ideal body has MUCH more muscle than you think. Even if your goal is to lose weight, muscle can help you! And, if you're that person doing hours of cardio without seeing results, this might be something that can help you out.

First let's get one thing straight -- muscle isn't going to make you "bulky." You won't look like a bodybuilder so get that out of your head. And, muscle can actually help you lose weight and achieve a leaner physique!

So how does muscle help?

  • Having more muscle means having a higher metabolism, therefore burning more calories throughout the day. Muscle tissue is more metabolically active than fat... so more muscle = more calories burned.

  • More muscle can help maintain your body composition and preserve lean muscle mass when in a fat loss phase. If you're reading this its safe to say you're like me and we're trying to maximize our muscle growth! Don't get it twisted, in a fat loss phase you can expect to lose a little muscle BUT our goal is to keep the hard earned muscle we built in that growth phase.

  • Lean muscle mass and stronger muscles has a TON of extra benefits from supporting health posture, to reduced risk of injuries as we age, to improved insulin sensitivity, it can lower our risk of diabetes and heart disease, and help us perform daily activities better.

So if you're looking to lose weight and achieve a lean, tight physique - spending hours doing cardio is not the answer. I'm not telling you to drop it altogether, but you should incorporate some form of weight training at least 3x per week if you can!

Muscle isn't a bad thing. It shows how powerful you are and helps toward your long-term health and fitness goals.

As always, thanks for being part of this community and make sure you get after it this week. 😈

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