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So why am I starting a health and wellness blog?

I'm here to stop avoiding the things that have scared me the past 3 years and start making an even greater impact in 2023.

Well, it's a new year and with it comes new opportunities and new challenges. And let me tell you, starting a blog is definitely a challenge. But it's a challenge that I am more than willing to take on.

I have always had a huge love to health and fitness since I was 15, it made me feel more like ME. I love learning about new ways to take care of my body and mind, and I love sharing that knowledge with others. And starting a blog is the perfect way to do just that.


So, what exactly motivated me to take the plunge and start a health and wellness blog in 2023? Here are a few reasons:

I want to continue challenging myself this year.

I want to challenge myself: Starting a blog requires dedication, hard work, and the willingness to put yourself out there. It's another way for me to essentially write down what I'm feeling, struggling with, breaking through, and I hope to help you all at the same time. It's not easy, but it's something that I have always wanted to do. And what better time to start than in a brand new year? I am excited to see where this challenge takes me, and I can't wait to see what I am capable of achieving.

I want to share more of me.

I want to start sharing more of my life and the things I learn: I have always loved blogs and other forms of expression from the women and men that have not only inspired me but also educated me and let me into their life. I figured, why can't I do that, Right? By starting a blog, I can share my experiences, my knowledge, and the things that I have learned along the way. I want to be an open book, sharing my struggles and successes as I learn and grow because this is where I want to develop in life. The more I'm open with you guys, the more I'm open with myself!

I'm interested in helping MORE people.

I want to expand my ability to help anyone with their health and wellness: I believe that health and wellness are important for everyone in any form to have a fulfilling life. You don't have to follow what everyone else is doing but you should find what works for you! I want to do my part to help others live their best lives. By starting a blog, I can reach a wider audience and offer my expertise and guidance to those who need it. I want to be able to inspire you to realize it's in you and I feel like a blog is the perfect platform to do that.

I want to develop a stronger connection with YOU.

I want to further connect with my community: Health and wellness is something that we can all benefit from, and by starting a blog, I hope to connect with others who share my passion. Together there you can come to this community to find what you've been missing in life development, health, fitness, and wellness. I am beyond excited to build this community brick by brick and impact those who need an outlet of like minded humans work towards and through all the challenges and milestones life presents us.


So there you have it - those are a few of the reasons why I am starting a health and wellness blog in 2023. If you're interested in joining me on this journey, make sure to sign up for my email list! Together, let's make 2023 the year of health and wellness.

Talk soon!


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