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How to lose belly fat for women with weight lifting!

This week I wanted to dive into a topic that I think many women overlook when it comes to losing belly fat.

🏋🏽‍♀️ Weight lifting!

Savannahjoyyy lifting weights to lose fat.

So let's talk about the ultimate secret weapon helping torch that stubborn belly fat. The weight room.

Forget what you've heard about endless cardio sessions being the golden ticket to fat loss. Let's flip the script on that outdated idea. While cardio definitely has its perks and place in your programming, when it comes to shredding fat, resistance training steals the show.

Here's the deal...

When you hit the weights, you're not just sculpting muscle (although that's a pretty awesome bonus). You're also flipping switches on your body's hormone levels, igniting a fat-burning furnace like never before.

📸 Picture this:

A group of super savvy researchers decided to dive deep into the world of female fitness. Led by the brilliant Brittany Allman, Ph.D., they uncovered some super interesting intel. These researchers didn't just scratch the surface, the dove deep into the nitty gritty, even considering the impact of our menstrual cycles!

Yep, they thought of everything.

So what went down in this epic study? They recruited a bunhc of fit ladies and put them through a killer workout routine. Think barbell squats, bench presses, deadlifts and more. And get this: they timed it perfectly with their menstrual cycles, aiming to maximize fat-burning potential.

But here's where it gets really interesting. Not only did the women's bodies kick into high gear during the workout, but they also continued to burn fat like crazy after they finished training! Oh the magic of lifting some heavy ass weights.

You might be asking me how... well it all comes down to a magical trio of natural hormones we have!

  1. Growth hormone

  2. Epinephrine

  3. Norepinephrine

These three team up to supercharge your metabolism, helping that stubborn belly fat disappear faster than you can say "hello, abs!"

So, next time you're pondering your workout routine, remember this: the weight room isn't just for the guys. It's your ticket to a learner, stronger you! So don't be afraid of those dumbbells. Throw on your favorite playlist and start taking advantage of the benefits lifting some heavy ass weight can create for you!

Strength training is the cornerstone and foundation across women of all ages when optimizing for body composition and health.

Talk again soon!

Coach Sav


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