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Work with me

Transform Physically & Mentally

You deserve the body and health you've imagined. Let us create a sustainable lifestyle change for you.

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How The System Works

Personalized Training & Form Guidance

As a 1:1 Client you'll receive customized exercise and training plans tailored to your goals / needs. We'll make adjustments throughout our time together to make sure we're hitting goals and benchmarks we set together to reach your goals and maintain your success.

Weekly Check-Ins & 24/7 Access

All 1:1 Clients complete weekly check-ins with a customized dashboard to help us better understand how your mind and body are responding to our training and nutrition efforts. This helps us assess your progress and make the necessary changes to continue to see progress and challenge your body to maintain your new healthy habits.

Nutrition Guidance & Support

You'll receive a customized nutrition plan that's flexible with your lifestyle and interests. This is 100% tailored to you and your goals, which include adjustments each week as needed to make sure we're meeting expectations set. This includes macro/micro support and supplementation guidance.

Community & Continued Education

Education and support is my number 1 priority. My goal is to help you achieve a high level of success together so you can continue to maintain the results and knowledge you've received in our program and take it with you to sustain a long-term, health focused lifestyle. You'll get access to our 1:1 Client Group Chat and the PWR Path Fitness Private Facebook Community of other women working towards the goal of self-improvement together.

Are you ready to take the next step?

Hear directly from our clients

“I cannot recommend her enough to anybody who is looking for help on their journey to a better you, because she's a great way to get there.”

Kayla, 1:1 Coaching Client

Are you ready to get started?

Join hundreds of other women who have changed their lives and learned to create long-term, sustainable healthy habits while feeling strong and confident in their own skin.

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